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Pátek 11.10.
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Ve VAŠEM prostoru redakce Totemu nezodpovídá za obsah jednotlivých příspěvků.
<předchozí v kolekci SENSE z kolekce Aika´s First
Autor: Aika (Občasný) - publikováno 14.10.2003 (21:26:50)

Your neighbour has a lovely house

You do not have even one room such

Your neighbour has huge garden and great job

You sit in your yard

And too hard have to work

Your neighbour is healthy and daily shines

Your neighbour has children and a beautiful wife

Your neighbour seems to have all good luck

              In the world.

My neighbour is divorced, lost love of his life

My daddy died, had cancer suffered a lot

My uncle is poor, hardly can pay his life costs

Too many homeless and unemployd

Too many innocent ones die in this world


Do you have just one good friend?

Does your heart still beat in your chest?

Do you know what is love – can you give  and share?

Are you still alive and every morn you awake?

Do you have questions many more?

And want to know reply to them all?

Do you look for the fairness in this world?


I know this:

Life is never fair

Gives and takes and no answer

But for all good and bad in this world

As long as you have just one thought

As long as you have your faith and love

As long as you fall down and want to stand up

Search for the sense of everything in your life

Life  is a circle never ending

Life is the mirror, all  we give we get back

Do not be sad for what you do not have

But be grateful for what you can give and share

However stupid everything seems to be

However incredible and wonderful things may be

For the future, present and past

Everything is the sense of life.


I wish you all the best luck in the world, and a great day..


Poznámky k tomuto příspěvku
Kelly (Občasný) - 15.10.2003 > angličtina fajn, ale dílko mi přijde víc vyprávěcí a poučné než poetické...
 Aika (Občasný) - 20.10.2003 > Kelly> ahoj Kelly, díky za kritiku.. píšu tímto stylem.. asi mi to jinak nejde.. Díky a měj se krásně. .:-)aika:-)
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