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Čtvrtek 13.3.
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 Cizojazyčný koutek
 > EnglishCizojazyčný koutek
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 > Poems

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28th of January 001/ 02:52am - 04:40am
Autor: yorick () - publikováno 9.2.2001 (23:04:35), v časopise 9.2.2001

Time makes no difference
time makes no apology
time makes you
stop weep then sweep
and if dance will snap you
nearby thoughts that swap you
you are
the time

And over there
you can hit a point
you can hit that point

To break it down
needs few:
or you


None of opened arms
none of adored drugs
none of pre-payed signs
made me free

None of tv mashes
none of time splashes
none of philosophies
made me happy

None of touchable things
none of feelable feelings
none of lovable loves
gave love to me

That is the matter
in matter it lies
your blood is of matter
as my one circulates

Say energy turns into matter
and back
as Earth turns
in black

Water matters too
water more half of you
nothing to do

To open the shell
accept yourself
by means of
the world
and make
a step

bonus question
in prize of life

There is
one essential art...?

Guess, it's:

Poznámky k tomuto příspěvku
Cobain (Občasný) - 10.2.2001 > Wow...really cool poems...I loved that "matter" one. I really liked the idea there...rhymes and language...thanx for it:-)) Keep writing like that
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