Heavens Autor: Paula (Občasný) - publikováno 13.11.2000 (09:31:39), v časopise 14.11.2000
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Heavens are so beautiful
you don´t believe in prayer?
Close your eyes and come with me
I´ll show you way up there.
Come with me and join me
to travel through my dream
let´s write a story-life together
let the journey now begin
Take your thought, your wish with you
let´s travel far across the sea
let´s run away from everyone
to be together, to be free
Stop, come here, don´t talk, just look
discover slowly and then see
how different I am from everyone
is there a chance to rescue me...
..broken, lost and full of ashes
that hardly posses any light
too hot too cold for anyone
to ever again hold me tight..