The Dog Autor: Cobain (Občasný) - publikováno 9.10.2000 (23:18:28), v časopise 9.10.2000
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A guy is invited to dinner by his new girlfriend's parents. He's sitting at the table, patting their pet dog, when he feels the need to drop a fart. Gently, he squeezes it out, but it goes toot and the girl's mother hears this. "Rover! No. Come away" she shouts at the dog. Hearing this, the guy thinks "Great! The dog will bet the blame for anything I drop", and lets rip with a bigger one. "Rover!!" shouts the mother. A few minutes later, the guy cultivates a real humdinger, and lets off a monumental flabbergaster which has the room reverberating. "Rover!!!" screams the mother "Please!! Come away from there before he shits on you!!!"