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2016 golfystyckýfór Autor: APV (Stálý) - publikováno 12.2.2021 (00:49:00)
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2016 golfystyckýfór
30.1. 2021 10:33:01
lolekpovedal nazáverbolkovyn:
"jaskončym možnátakymfylosofujúcymftipom, jetoanekdota:
famerycežyjetakýmúdryrabýn avonimupovedija:
prečorabýn niekedy nedojdešnagolf?
prečogolf? prosímťagolf...
aleveťjetamtvojbratranec atenjepredsa rjaditeľombanky avonvam móžestúsynagogúpomócť!"
notakvonsatedavydá natengolf ahovorý:
takvyvesmete tunátútopalycu atutento tengolfovúloptička bystemalposlať, takvonojeto 200, 300 metrov, notam, akojetenpraporček, taktambystetomal niekamposlať. "
taktentozoberyje abum. ateď tenloptičkaskončý 10cm utýjamky avonihovoryja:
taktojezásrak, toniejemožné, tojezásrak. avontamprýde ahovorý:
"čomamrobyť ďalej?
noterasbyste tenloptičku maldať dotej jamky.
prečosteto nepovedalyškvór?"
2016 golf joke
lolek said at the end of the herbs:
"I'll end up with such a philosophical joke, it's an anecdote:
such a wise rabbi lives in America and they tell him:
why don't a rabbi ever go golf?
why golf? please golf ...
but your cousin is there, and he is the director of the bank, and he can help you with that synagogue! "
so he goes to golf and says:
"So what should I do?
so you take a ton of this club and here you should send this golf ball, so it's 200, 300 meters, but there, like the flag, you should send it somewhere. "
so he takes it and boom. and now that ball ends up 10 cm at that hole and they say:
so it's a miracle, it's not possible, it's a miracle. and he comes there and says:
"What should I do next?
but now you should put the ball in that hole.
why didn't you say so before?"