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2014 rosprašovanie Autor: APV (Stálý) - publikováno 10.2.2021 (00:37:24)
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2014 rosprašovanie
28.1. 2021 11:00:11
františekbudín povedaldivákom, žejehoúkolem jeusporjadať naozajheskú televýsnusúťaš voceny aftemnapódyjumpryšjél felyxholcman azačalrosprašovaťvodu. frantasvolal:
"halópane, čototunárobýte?
tuná? rosprašujem akovydíte.
notojavydím atojedajakádesynfekcyja, lebočo?
noakápakdesynfekcyja? tunápredsa niejesúžjadneploštice. tojelesnávóňa.
nodobre, aleteras behomprograma matonemóžeterosprašovať, terasbežýprogram.
pozerajte, vystevotbornik natelevýsnesúťaže ajasomvotborník narosprašovanije, taksytunánebudeme fzájomnedačovyčíňať!
alevyčíňať. pochopte, ženéjde vodákevyčíňanie, aležetovašerosprašovanije tunámomentálnerušý.
norušý, akokoho! vastrebarušý tomojerosprašovanije ftýchvašychsúťažých amňatreba zasarušýtyvašesúťaže frosprašovaniju.
čoveče akovydno, jasasvas snatsblásnim!
nó, taktobuďteklydnej, tosamocnesmeníte.
2014 spraying
František Budín told the audience that his task was to organize a really nice TV competition for prizes, and in it Felix Holzmann came to the stage and started spraying water. franta called out:
"Hello sir, what are you doing?
what do you say
what are you doing tonight?
tuna? I spray as you see.
Well, I see that and it's kind of disinfection, because what?
what about disinfection? There are no bugs after all. it is a forest scent.
Well, now you can't spray me while the program is running, now the program is running.
look, you are an expert in television competitions and I am an expert in spraying, so we will not blame each other!
but blame. Understand that this is not a blame, but that it is currently canceling your spraying ton.
well interrupts than who! you may be interrupted by my spraying in your competitions, and I may be interrupted by your spraying competitions.
man as you can see, I'm going crazy over you!
Well, keep calm, you won't change much.