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2011 ačokeťsanejedná voftip Autor: APV (Stálý) - publikováno 7.2.2021 (00:42:42)
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2011 ačokeťsanejedná voftip
25.1. 2021 11:22:11
fčéramapovedalapendyx, žefčéračýtalklasu, ktorúsomspýsal ušniekedypretmesjacom. taksom mupovedal, žemakedysymárty ktejtoproblémovačkepovedal, žeteprve vokapovanýftip jeskutočnýmftipom. apendyxsama ftúchvýluvopýtal:
"ačokeťsanejedná voftip, koľkokrátbudetrebavokapovať? čobynato povedalmárty?"
ajkeťjevylúčené, žebysa voftipnejednalo asynatosmártym nijékedyzavedemreč.
2011 and what if it's not a joke
yesterday apendyx told me that yesterday he read a spike that I wrote sometime a month ago. so I told him that he once told me about this problem that only a repeated joke is a real joke. apendyx asked me at that moment:
"And what if it's not a joke, how many times will it have to be repeated? What would the martyr say next?"
although it is excluded that it would not be a joke about it, and sometimes I will introduce a speech with márty.