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1971 setrvačnosť zvuku Autor: APV (Stálý) - publikováno 29.12.2020 (00:57:19)
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1971 setrvačnosť zvuku
16.12. 2020 11:33:11
valsorimhorníček povedalprýklat slofníklaunyjády, žeklauni vrajdovedú ajvytvoryťnovejfyzykálnejzákon:
"voskovecawerych hraly ťaškúbarboru atamsútaké kulatésejryajdamské, ktorýmytýajdamští pálýprotitýmýbrlajtňákom, techdyproti techdejšjemunemeckuvlastne. awerychfzal tenjedenmýč atáktosysnimhádzal naforbínevozem afšymolsytehobubeník ješkovovovorchestra azakašdým, keťtým mýčembacylvozem, takvonuhodilnabuben atryštyryvečery totakbežalo, tenletenfór stýmbubnom apjatejvečer urobylwerychtakýfór, žedržaltenmýč, naznačyltenpohyp, alenepustilhosruky. tenbubeníkuhodilnabuben avoskovec natopovedal:
slyšýš? - setrvačnosť zvuku!"
1971 sound inertia
valsorim horníček said an example of a verbal clowning, that clowns can also create a new physical law:
"voskovec and werich played heavy barbora and there are such round eidam cheeses that the eidam ones burn against the uberlajtňák family, then against the then germany. hedgehog orchestra and every time he hit the ground with the ball, he hit the drum and for three or four evenings it ran like this, this forum with the drum and the fifth evening werich made such a forum that he held the ball, indicated the movement, but did not let it go The drummer hit the drum and the waxman said:
do you hear - sound inertia!"