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1939 masamáfkus! Autor: APV (Stálý) - publikováno 27.11.2020 (00:00:01)
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1939 masamáfkus!
14.11. 2020 5:48:45
takýtoúvotčlánku somsyfčéraprečýtal nasosname:
"sympatyckýhasyč syvotrodinyprjaťelky požyčal 300 tisíc. Pakzjystil, žeklamal..."
tomazaujalo achystalsomsyprečýtať akotodokázal, alenešsomsa dotohopustil, taksomsyfšymol, ženie zjystil - tedahasyč, alezjystily - čyžerodina amojzáujem týmpádompohasol. fjem, žetotonijeveľaftipné ataktieštespýšem, čopovedal werychfhovoroch há, keťrosprával vorelácyjachfameryke:
"...aleniektoré súfantastycky - blbéteda - tosasnaťnedádocýlyť, neštam, stýmamošnostma. tojeneuverytelné!!! tamjejedenkomyk - panehorníčku, tobystálozato satamýsťpozryjéť. tojeneuverytelné!!! lets kcheltn semenuje.
nopochopytelne, žeješjalene voblúbenej, pretože jaksnámo - masamáfkus!"
1939 meat has taste!
I read this introduction to the article yesterday on the list:
"A nice firefighter borrowed 300,000 from a friend's family. Then he found out he was lying ..."
it intrigued me and I was about to read how he did it, but before I started, I noticed that he had not found out - that is, the firefighter, but found out - that is, the family and my interest had faded. I know this isn't very funny, so I'll write you what werich said in há talks when he talked about shows in America:
"... but some are fantastic - stupid then - I hope you can't achieve it there, with those options. It's unbelievable !!! There's one comedian - Mr. Fever, it would be worth it to go see it. It is unbelievable !!! lets kcheltn is called.
but of course he is insanely popular, because as you know - meat has taste!"