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1928 voteckovo štátnysfjatok Autor: APV (Stálý) - publikováno 16.11.2020 (00:25:56)
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1928 voteckovo štátnysfjatok
3.11. 2020 4:21:24
fčéra, čiže 28ovovovoktóbra somsakašdúchvýlu, tedatakmerkašdú, pozeralalebopočul nadačočydačo voštátnomsfjatku, aleteprfaš fposdnompopoludni somsyfspomel, žeajmojovoteckoma svojovlastnoštátnosfjatko. kašdýroksomtovedel, aleletos somnatotakmerzabudol. zobralsomtedafouňu azafounilvoteckovy, abysom mupográduloval. keťsomtourobyl, taksom sjehohlasucýtil, žesynenije ystý, čyhoskutočnemá. onsytotišmyslel, žehoprešvyhol anechcelto, podľasvojych neskoršýchslofprysnať - žejetakblbej, žezabudolnasvojvlastnysfjatok, takho, alepodľahlasu veľmyneystozapjeral. apotom, keťsmeskončylyhovorovačku, takpovedalmame:
"taktovydíš, jedinejmyrek, kerejnemápameť, synamňaspomenul aprjalmateras ksfjatku. "
"aletyhoneskanemaš. malsyhopredsa 28eho septembra!"
keťsombolurodičoch nanedelnejvobedovačke, taksmesyvobaja, tedaja ajvoteckospomenuly, žesmeteho 28ehoseptembra skutočnetenjehosvjatokvoslávyly adokonceaj ktorýfšetkýznámy hotechdávoslávylysnámy.
1928 Dad's national holiday
yesterday, that is, on October 28, I watched or heard about dačo or dačo on a national holiday at any moment, that is, almost everyone, but it wasn't until late in the afternoon that I remembered that my father also has his own national holiday. I knew it every year, but I almost forgot about it this year. so I picked up an i-phone and plugged in my dad to congratulate him. when I did, I could feel in his voice that he wasn't sure if he really had it. he thought he had missed him and did not want to admit it, according to his later words - that he was so stupid that he had forgotten his own holiday, so he denied it very uncertainly. and then when we had finished the call, he said to his mother:
"So you see, the only mirek who has no memory, you remembered me and wished me now for the holiday."
and his mother said to him,
"But you don't have it today. You still had it on September 28th!"
when I was at my parents' lunch on Sunday, we both, both my father and I, remembered that we actually celebrated his holiday that September 28th, and even that all the acquaintances had celebrated it with us.