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1874 balýju ceshuby Autor: APV (Stálý) - publikováno 25.9.2020 (00:06:01)
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1874 balýju ceshuby
10.9. 2020 6:33:36
sedelsom fčérafpabu apočulbabu akorosprávala:
"vonmabalý ceshuby, stálemaposjéla fotográfyjedákychhup."
ftomjejdošlaďjalšjavárka ababazahlásyla:
"zasakarel azasahuby! pozerajtesa.
keťjejýchpochvályly, taksomsavopýtal:
"amadam, eštevasnesbalyl?
nie, eštenie, haha.
anemalby večúšancu, kebytoskúsyl cesryby?"
1874 packs it through mushrooms
I was sitting in a pub yesterday and I heard Grandma say:
"he's packing me through mushrooms, he's still sending me photos of some mushrooms."
another batch ran out and Grandma announced:
"Charles again and the mushrooms! Look.
but these are beautiful mushrooms! "
when they praised her, I asked:
"and madam, has he not packed you yet?
no, not yet, ha ha.
and wouldn't he have a better chance of trying it over fish?"