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1863 buleladomobu Autor: APV (Stálý) - publikováno 19.9.2020 (00:51:50)
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1863 buleladomobu
30.8. 2020 9:47:49
ftomystomokamyhu, akosomvyšolpretdom, taksomsazaradil zajednusmutnúženú, ktoráprávebuleladomobu:
"pretstáusy, vonspályl fšetkynašealbumy amazostaly ybatryfotky, ybatry... čomamterasrobyť?"
azasachvýlubulela, keťhovorylatádruhá. potemhovorukončyly ataksomjejpovedal:
stýchtroch hovystryhajte apošlytemu.
avjéte, žematepraudu, pane!? játotakurobým!
fšdyckysomrát, keťma akákolvekženaposluchne.
1863 cried to the mob
at the same time as I went out in front of the house, I joined one sad woman who was just crying in her mob:
"Imagine, he burned all our albums and I only have three photos left, only three ... what should I do now?"
and she wept again as the other spoke. then they ended the call and so I told her:
cut out of the three and send him.
and do you know you're right, sir !? I'll do it!
laugh nicely.
you too."
I'm always happy when any woman listens to me.