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Čtvrtek 13.3.
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<previous a short walk through your mind z kolekce scrolls
Autor: maxicka (Občasný) - publikováno 17.2.2003 (21:28:25)

dark rays of light have already stolen the picture                 

        and the presence of the tension could be felt


the silence was breaking through

            the unseen windows


the water enjoyed it’s being

                 and the beast begun to search for it’s prey


those were the few last days of August

                     rainy August


the branches screamed calmly

                         and the deep woods’ soul behaved weirdly


you were walking across the plains of moorland

                            deserted mind


you did not follow the sunlight

                                 for there was none

                         the tears covered your face

                             you liked the rain

you heard strange voices

                 behind the broken silence


rainy October

                 for your friend did not fight the September


but who was your friend

                      the trees asked wildly


your legs were walking slowly

                           without noticing


the road was covered with grass

                                a smooth sound

                                     the air shivered


the liquid consisted of water drops


                                                            the lake was hurt


you did not recognize that you were the prey

                for your eyes have been heedless

                      to see the truth

                                                 for the fear that the truth could be the beast

                       hunting you

Autumn leaves still bleeding

                                 diving in the blood-covered

                                                                   shadows of reality.

Poznámky k tomuto příspěvku
loomy (Občasný) - 27.3.2003 > exactly this sort of poems i admire
Body: 5
Angelika (Občasný) - 28.5.2003 > Pekne!!!!  Jine a originalni!  
Body: 5
HACKMAN (Občasný) - 11.11.2003 > Without dreams, we would only have nightmares....

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