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Čtvrtek 13.3.
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born to have no future
Autor: mcves (Občasný) - publikováno 9.11.2000 (21:50:40), v časopise 9.11.2000
when the boy was born,
couldn’t speak,
couldn’t run,
everything he had was gone,
what was gone, was mum,
she took drugs...too much,
so he’s alone...with his own,
he can speak,
he can run,
but to where...another question...again,
there’s no one to run with,
no place to go to,
no one to tell him all the truth,
the truth, secret of life.
What he had was heart,
and the pain of lot.
There can’t be a God,
when he let the boy be,
be so sad,
be so lone,
couldn’t He kill him straight?
the boy could has no trouble,
..I think...trouble with his mother.
Kill him?
He has a life!
what is better on the Earth,
than living as a Sapien,
he’ll be strong,
he’ll be rich,
but now will live under a bridge.
The bridge is bad,
bridge is cold,
so he’ll learn,
to have some more.
Now he’s clever,
as a father,
has a wife, has a job,
everything he wants,
but still not happy,
still the pain,
when he was younger,
still the same, and once again,
he’s gone away,
but now has money,
took some drugs,
he will cry, he wants some more,
he wants mum,
...and everything is gone,
finally his own soul...

Poznámky k tomuto příspěvku
Cobain (Občasný) - 12.11.2000 > Wow...sounds strange and nice...such a life story of one poor boy...somewhere in the middle of the poem - different rhymes started to appear and it was interesting as well. Good effort...keep writin'...thanx :-)
Body: 5
Jiří Žák () - 7.12.2000 > Nice to read that man. What a wonderfull words are coming together!
Jiří Žák () - 7.12.2000 > Nice to read that man. What a wonderfull words are coming together!
Body: 5
Čtenář - 30.12.2000 > CRAP
Radovan (Občasný) - 16.1.2001 > No future, no grammar, too many mistakes. I think that "born" is in form of past participle. The idea is good but it needs some food... like a grammar and your poem would be good!
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čtenář Lee - 6.5.2001 > hmm pekny, akorat mi tam neni jasny ten vyznam slova "sapien"...
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 mcves (Občasný) - 11.5.2001 > čtenář> to jakože " homo sapiens " wish? :)
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