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Sung Wa
Autor: Cobain (Občasný) - publikováno 13.10.2000 (00:27:20), v časopise 13.10.2000
Victor, after a long, hard days work, decides he needs some relaxation, so he goes to his local brothel. He enters and finds the madam. As it's the busiest time of the day, there is only one girl left, who is Chinese and doesn't know a word of English. "I'll take her," he says desperately, as he is also in a hurry. So they proceed upstairs and get down to business. As Victor is going full whack, the girl begins to shout out "Sung wa! Sung wa!" To which Victor assumes that this means great, fantastic, etc, so he continues unperturbed. The following day he as at a golf meeting with a wealthy, prospective Chinese client, and is trying to impress him in any way he can. Just then, the client T's off and gets a whole in one. This gives Victor the opportunity to use his newly found Chinese phrase... "Sung wa! Sung wa!" he proclaims, to which the client replies, "Wrong hole? What do you mean wrong hole?"

Poznámky k tomuto příspěvku
origo (Občasný) - 14.10.2000 > :))))) K tomu není co dodat.. i když v angličtině nejsem nijak zvlášť dobrá (natož pak v čínštině:)) ), tak doufám, že k takovému nedorozumění, co se domluvy týče ( nemyslím přímo takovou situaci!!!:)) ) nedojde... Mimochodem, doufám, že to není z vlastní zkušenosti?? :)))))))))))))))))))
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