Peace Autor: Cobain (Občasný) - publikováno 8.10.2000 (21:57:08), v časopise 8.10.2000
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It really would be very nice
if we all lived in paradise
however, we’re living here
and the hell is pretty near.
This hell is often called “a war”
there is nothing to adore
you should quickly run away
if you stay then you will pay.
Believe me death is everywhere
look at it with a long deep stare
just keep silence, don’t be sad
even though it’s really bad.
Life is fragile as a glass
you must hope that you will pass
bullets whistling ‘round your head
you don’t know it, you are dead.
Why than people fight at all
what’s the purpose, what’s the goal
let’s go, try it, live in peace
the word “war” will surely cease.