Computer vs. Printing press Autor: Cobain (Občasný) - publikováno 15.6.2000 (21:33:06), v časopise 17.6.2000
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Printing press, ooh I don’t mind,
but computer is of a better kind.
Printing press is his dumb old brother,
Guttenberg was its old father.
He really was a damn smart guy,
but Bill Gates will never die.
Middle Ages were rough times,
I need to find another rhymes.
Computers will ever rule,
printing press is no more cool.
It used to be pretty good,
even though it was made of wood.
Anyway it is fantastic,
computers are made of plastic.
Printing press is huge and large,
let’s think about space and charge.
Printing press needs to be tended,
and it is not as much splendid.
Printing press is out of fashion,
computers are our new passion.
Printing presses served well,
but nowadays they go to hell.
We make mistakes, we’re just a men,
even if we write with pen.
There exists one useful button,
called DELETE if you’ve forgotten.
You can even use a mouse,
but not the one that ruins your house.
You can put some words to block,
computers, they simply rock.
You can insert header, footer,
it’s as easy as to ride scooter.
There are many tools to work with,
as a user, you will worth it.
Spelling, grammar, counting words,
without mistakes, you are nerds.
You can even insert table,
do, believe me it’s not fable.
It ain’t even science fiction,
just another way of diction.
You should use a function SAVE,
if you don’t, you’re pretty brave.
But you can use it other way,
we sit before screen every day.
Playin’ games, surfin’ the net,
no more time for my old pet.
Listening songs, singing aloud with,
printing press just dreams about it.
Send an e-mail to your honey,
or just work, and earn some money.
Printing press is far behind,
that’s the fact, but never mind.
Computers are really cool,
who don’t think so, must be fool.
All is done and all is said,
printing press is almost dead.
Now I really have to go,
my Computer is home alone.